ACT Test Prep

Below you will find some of the best, (mostly) free, online test prep resources to help get you ready for the ACT. Make sure you also take a look at the Calculator page to make sure that you have the right calculator.

Epic’s ACT School code: 372720

ACT Basics—Start here! This has a lot of general information and is an excellent reference document—The official site for the ACT

ACT Academy—Teachers can create classrooms and have their students work through practices

ACT Flash Cards (AppleAndroid)Varsity Tutors is a fabulous tutoring site, and they have created these flashcard apps to help you study

Prepfactory—This is an adaptive program that helps guide you to better understanding.

Kaplan Test Prep—Kaplan is one of the best test-prep companies in the country

Union Test Prep—This company is completely devoted to helping people prepare for every academic test there is

50 Free Tools and Resources for ACT Prep—Games, flashcards, grammar, math, etc. It has resources for everything. And they’re free!

The Critical ReaderAlthough geared more for the SAT, the strategies carry over to the ACT as well. It will help you figure out how to take the test as well as learning the knowledge for it

Powerscore—Powerscore is another company devoted to helping people prepare for tests

WRITING—This takes you to the Writing area of the official ACT Website. It has sample prompts with sample answer essays

Petersons—This blog has writing prompts with guided drafts

PrepScholar—This has sample prompts, perspectives, and explanations on how to respond to them

PrincetonReview—This has sample prompts and an example of how to outline your essay


I will continue to add resources as I find them!

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